A partnership between care providers Blackpool & The Fylde College, the NHS and Blackpool Council
Our Vision
The vision of the Blackpool Health and Social Care Career Academy is to facilitate the education, training and development needs of Fylde Coast health and care providers in partnership, led by those providers via the Career Academy Steering Group. In response to workforce development plans, people strategies and commissioning group needs, the Career Academy will provide a tailored local solution to the specific needs of the Fylde Coast population. Building on national Health Education England initiatives and those of Skills for Care and Skills for Health, and explicitly linked to the wealth of experience and expertise located in the steering group partners, the Career Academy will enable a ‘home grown’ strategy which meets the key needs of the local HSC economy.
The Career Academy is intended as a much-needed cross-sector platform and focal point for activity, a support for all those driving it, and a space for the more radical and emergent ideas to grow and evolve. It exists to support the vision for the Fylde Coast health and care sector which is: to create new models of care, wrapped around the local population and spanning across health and social care, to improve jointly the health and wellbeing of the Fylde Coast population.
Additionally the Career Academy will showcase current research to inform the models of prevention, treatment and care that are being implemented to improve the health and wellbeing of the local and indeed national population. Lancaster University’s Health Hub provides a cross-sectoral research platform to drive forward world-leading innovation in healthcare research. Major initiatives include an NHS Test Bed (one of only 7 nationally) and Whyndyke Garden Village, both of which represent significant investment and opportunity for the Fylde Coast.
Our Values
Quality. Quality is at the core of everything we do and every decision we make.
Integrity. We manage our business with integrity and the highest ethical standards.
Service. We have a culture of service that values teamwork and focuses on the needs of others.
Innovation. We have a culture of innovation that creates new solutions for our communities.
Transparency. We operate with transparency by measuring our results and sharing them with others.